Sunday, August 7, 2011

Poetry Against Abuse

In 2006, I had the honor of publishing a collection of remarkable poets, all of whom donated their work in an effort to support survivors of abuse. The "Nox" collection appeared both in print and online, and all benefits from its sale went to a safe haven organization called CASA (Community Action Stops Abuse), which provides support to women and children struggling to free themselves from environments of abuse in their lives.

To celebrate the five-year anniversary of that book, I am producing another collection, this time solely of my own poetic works, to again benefit CASA. "Othello Falling" will explore themes of jealousy, passion and violence from the Shakespeare play, with the hope of illuminating how loving relationships can spiral down into pain and hurt. Perhaps through that awareness, men and women caught in that terrible cycle can find keys to change that downward spiral in their own lives -- to seek for healing and safety.

As the book evolves I will post excerpts from it here and on my website, along with a series of oil paintings that will accompany the poetry. When "Othello Falling" is released, all profits from its sale will go to benefit Community Action Stops Abuse.

So today I look back to honor over forty poets and artists who contributed to "Nox", including the writer who inspired it, Don McGregor, and many dear friends who donated their creative power from all over the world. The online collection can still be viewed by clicking the highlighted link below, and there are many further links on the anthology pages to CASA, for anyone who would like to learn more about the work they do:

The Nox Anthology: Poets Against Abuse

I also look forward, recognizing that the work to provide support and catharsis, healing and safety to abuse survivors never ends, but our caring and creativity can shine a light into that dark place, and offer hope.


Lisa Alexander Griffin said...

Thanks for your continued efforts to draw awareness to domestic abuse, R. Paul. Othello Falling is sure to be another wonderful collection of thought provoking and moving poems.

R. Paul said...

Thank you so much, Lisa. I know you have used your creative powers to raise consciousness about this issue, too. That, and you are such a caring presence to all of us fortunate to have you in our lives. I've always strongly believed that as creative people we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to use our gifts of artistry to help those in need. That is exactly what happened with "Nox", and I hope it will also with "Othello Falling". In the meantime, just living our lives with caring and respect and responsibilty, as you do, makes the world a profoundly better place.

ks112761 said...

Othello Falling just jumped onto my list of books to buy, I'm so far behind...I love your heart and soul R. You are definitely one of the coolest guys around on so many levels. Keep writing for the beaten down, one day you will reach them all.
Star to Star

R. Paul said...

"Someday you will reach them all." That's a dream I cherish with all my heart, Kristaline, and whatever small things I can do to secure that dream, I will do. Just as I know you will continue holding out your hand to steady anyone you encounter who is afraid, who is alone. Star to star always.